Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Breakfast on some days

... Usually, I have cereal and milk, but not on this day.  Why?  No special reason.

I did not walk a mile for this,

 ... but I would have I would have had to.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I walked a mile for this!

     ...which means I had to walk a mile to get back home afterwards!

Friday, February 8, 2013

...before the Seoul journey....

          I didn't want to get hungry while on a train taking me to Seoul Station, so...!

Oatmeal with cranberries and raisins for dessert! Yea!

     I enjoyed oatmeal with raisins and cranberries for dessert after I enjoyed some scrambled eggs n cheddar.  I'm like that, and I'd do it all over again!

Thursday, February 7, 2013 me it was a grilled bolagna, egg, and cheese....

     Over half a century ago, I was born in Atlanta, Georgia.  It's about 100 miles south of what I now call my hometown (because that's where my parents live), Mt. Airy, GA.  Anyway, on this day note the difference between the temperature in Atlanta and Gumi (where I was while blogging this).

     It was COLD outside.  It was the kind of cold that leaves your face feeling frozen in place until it thaws after you enter a warm building.  While my face thawed, I enjoyed the sandwich and coffee pictured above.  The menu called it a "steak and cheese toast," but to me it was an "grilled egg, bologna, and american cheese sandwich."  Still, it was cheap, and it was good enough for a final meal on this day.