Thursday, May 16, 2013

Brownies: How I made this batch

In the Kitchen ... Bread Making, My Way

In the Kitchen... Cobbler My Way

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pronounced something like "Be Bim Mahn Doo"... not bad!

     Pronounced something like "be bim mahn doo" I would say "not bad" for 3500 Korean wons.  There was no meat in it.  That's cool, because I wanted my meal to be vegetable heavy.  I think, however, it would've been better with a vinaigrette or Italian dressing on the side for dipping rather than the red pepper paste you can see in the picture. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Cook once, and eat several times during the week!

     I knew the lunch meat had salt in it, so I didn't add any more salt until I tasted the mix later.

     The meat was on sale.  I cooked out the fat, added the chopped bell peppers, and scraped the bottom of the pan for the goodies.

     I knew that the tomatoes and squash contained a lot of water, so I  made use of that water.  I didn't add any more until I was near ready to add the pasta (a grain item, btw).

     I added some oregano and basil leaves to the mix.

      I knew the starch from the pasta would thicken the mix as it simmered.

     Usually, as I've experienced it, stuff like this tasted better after it has sit covered in the refrigerator all night, so I just enjoyed a small taste test after the pasta was cooked.

     So, on Monday I can top some of the mix with a slice of cheese.

     On Tuesday, I can add some hot sauce.

     On Wednesday, I can add some cooked rice.

     On Thursday (with what little might be left), I can add some canned beans (kidney, pork-n-beans, pintos, etc).